Wollongong OANCG Seminar
A weekly research seminar hosted at the University of Wollongong on the topics of operator algebras, noncommutative geometry, and related fields. The seminar has been running continuously since 2011.
Key Info
- Regular time: Thursday 3:30 pm Wollongong time (this may vary occasionally and will be noted on the talks below)
- Regular location: 39C.174 - Campus map
- Zoom: Link - Meeting ID: 861 2230 0349 (password provided on request)
- Organisers: Alexander Mundey & Alex Paviour
If you are interested in either giving a talk or being added to the mailing list, please contact the organisers at wollongong.oancg[at]gmail.com.
Talks typically run for around 55 minutes. We welcome speakers ranging from seasoned researchers to graduate students. We hold talks on campus and host remote speakers via Zoom.
Talk Schedule - 2025
Click on "Abstract" to reveal the abstract.
Upcoming talks
- February 20: Chris Bourne (Nagoya University)
A C*-module framework for interfaces of discrete quantum systemsAbstract
Loosely speaking, an interface describes a spatial mixing of several systems described by a C*-algebra of observables such that these mixed dynamics are not felt 'at infinity'. I will introduce work-in-progress to adapt work by Măntoiu to formalise a mathematical description of (discrete) interfaces using C*-modules and (discrete) crossed products. Several examples will be given as well as spectral and index-theoretic properties. - February 27: Alexander Mundey (University of Wollongong)
Nonunital Gelfand duality and fibrewise compactificationsAbstract
TBA - March 6: Adam Rennie (University of Wollongong)
Conformal transformations and equivariance in unbounded KK-theoryAbstract
I will give (at least) the third talk on this material, the two previous being by Ada, as is the bulk of this work. In this talk I will focus on the novel structures unveiled by probing conformality and equivariance. These include the essential appearance of ternary rings of operators, and the more general spectral-triple-like objects that result. Joint work with Ada Masters, arXiv:2412.17220. - March 13: Dilshan Wijesena (University of New South Wales)
TBA - March 20: Shay Tobin (Macquarie University)
TBA - March 27: Dani Czapski (University of New South Wales)
Recent talks
- February 13: Astrid an Huef (Victoria University of Wellington)
Nuclear dimension of \(C^*\)-algebras of groupoids with large isotropy subgroups, and applications to \(C^*\)-algebras of graphsAbstract
Let \(G\) be a locally compact, Hausdorff groupoid. Guentner, Willet and Yu defined a notion of dynamic asymptotic dimension (dad) for étale groupoids, and used it to find a bound on the nuclear dimension of \(C^*\)-algebras of principal groupoids with finite dad. To have finite dad, a groupoid must have locally finite isotropy subgroups which rules out, for example, the graph groupoids and twists of étale groupoids by trivial circle bundles. I will discuss how the techniques of Guentner, Willett and Yu can be adjusted to include some groupoids with large isotropy subgroups, including an applications to \(C^*\)-algebras of directed graphs that are AF-embeddable. This is joint work with Dana Williams. - Talks from previous years